What's new in Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure compared to BBR(1)?
What's new in Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure compared to BBR(1)?
Story, split screen, custom games rules, missions, tournaments, more tracks, more drivers, upgraded graphics, 4k
Updated on February 7, 2022
Adventure Mode: BBR2IA has a whole adventure/story mode with an interactive map to explore.
Split-screen integration: split-screen couch play is a big focus of BBR2IA. You can actually play split-screen with friends in any part of the game (except Tournaments - those are solo), like Adventure mode, Quick Races (including Drift Attack, Elimination, Time Trial). BBR1 just had a single, separate split-screen mode.
Game rule customization: customize and save your own rule sets like Permanent Bouncy Tires, 10 laps, and no character abilities.
Missions: All cars and drivers have missions you can complete to unlock a special skin.
Tournaments: BBR2IA has weekly online tournaments with specialized rules, where you can compete against players in leaderboards for the top score.
Paints and Decals: Like a giant Easter egg hunt, these have been scattered all over the island for you to find.
MORE tracks: BBR2IA has 23 tracks while BBR1 had about 16. Most of the tracks from BBR1 appear in BBR2 but have been upgraded.
MORE cars: BBR2IA has over 40 cars to collect.
NEW CHARACTERS: New characters include Mikka, Clutch, BeatBot, and Mr. Happy
Upgraded graphics: BBR2IA features a brighter, more colorful art style.
4k: Supported on Xbox One X and Steam PC
Up to 8 player split-screen: Supported on Xbox and Steam PC
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